Our sponsorship options are a great way to show your support for our dogs, stay up to date with exclusive behind the scenes updates and a whole heap of other benefits. Our sponsorship options also make great gifts.

Each dog in our kennel costs us about $1.40 per day to feed that’s $511 per year. We currently have 86 dogs costing us just under $44,000 per year just in dog food, this does not include vet bills or maintenance towards kennels and equipment. Our sponsorship options help towards the cost of feeding and looking after our 80+ dogs. If you would like to help out without becoming a sponsor please visit our online merchandise store where we have a variety of affordable items. Every purchase whether it is big or small is greatly appreciated and helps us out immensely.

72% of our dogs have been rescued/re-homed by us. Some have come to us because they didn’t enjoy the pet life as huskies naturally have a lot of energy and a desire to run and some have come to us from negative backgrounds whether it’s being abandoned or mistreated. All of our dogs are happy, healthy and enjoy being part of the pack. We pride ourselves on giving the best possible life we can for our dogs.

If you are a business of corporation and would like to sponsor our dogs or kennel please send us an e-mail to info@howlinghuskys.com.au

To purchase our sponsorship options please press the button below.

Our Sponsorship Options

Become a Howling Husky Pack Member.

  • $55 per year

  • One year membership to our exclusive Howling Husky Club

  • Pack Member name badge

  • Discounts on all our tours and Glamping accommodation

Feed The Kennel for a day.

  • $120 per year

  • One year membership to our exclusive Howling Husky Club

  • Pack Member name badge

  • Discounts on all our tours and Glamping accommodation

  • A Kennel Tour at Howling Husky Park during the Summer months

Sponsor a dog.

  • $250 per year

  • One year membership to our Howling Husky Club

  • Pack Member name badge

  • Discounts on all our tours and Glamping accommodation

  • 4 personal updates a year from your dog including a video intro to your dog.

  • Exclusive sponsorship for 1 year to that dog

  • A thank you under that dogs information on our website

  • A Kennel tour including time with your dog during the Summer months

  • A deck of our amazing personalised Howling Husky cards posted out to you.

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